My First Shoot in Quebec City

Montreal has been the filming place in the province of Quebec for years. I remember, in the 90s, if you wanted to be a screen actor, you needed to move to Montreal.  But since few years, the city of Quebec has been developing its industry and they even have a MEL’S studio. I have had the chance to shoot an ad with the team at  OKOK from Québec city. Loved the energy! 

First, whether it is from the industry or not, we often say that Quebec city has a different energy. For some of us, we even say it is more zen. This is what I have experienced myself. Maybe it is because it is still at its beginning and it is at a smaller scale, but the people take more the time and are f=very “family” like.  

I dream of this famous fast pace train that would reunite both cities, because I would work there more often! 

Anyway, a fabulous first experience on a publicity set (film set) in our beautiful national city.