Deputy Prize – Fall 2021

It is with honour, that I have received, last Sunday, the Deputy Prize at the Fall Art Exhibit from the Regroupement des Artistes de Rosemère (RAR), for the Morning Meditation artwork.

I would like to thank Mr. Éric Girard, Deputy of Groulx, ainsi and his Press Officer, M. Patrick Morin.

I am proud to be part of RAR and thank you for allowing us to share our creations with the public. 

This painting (acrylic) was created after I saw this gorgeous spot, in my imagination. To read more about this experience, click here.

Since i started exhibiting this piece, I receive a lot of reactions for to the “reality” of the rocks.  Many tell me that this reality effect gets them the impression that they are looking at a photography instead of a painting. Others seem to be mesmerized by the light and depth of the painting. 

Tis recognition and exchanges with art lovers inspire me to maybe create a series of rocks on the sea…TBF.


(in French – click on the image below)