Mantra Meditation

When we think meditation, we often see this silent practice that often can be perceived as a strict discipline. But there are many ways to meditate and this is what i present you on the #5waystomeditate series.

The second one I often teach is the mantric meditation.

Technique : We repeat a sacred mantra or affirmation created by us so that we raise up the vibration of the effect of the mantra within us and around us. In yoga, there is no separation between the Self and the outer world. So eventually, both worlds merge in one single expérience of what is. You become this vibration.

Benefits: Allows an union through the voice, vibration and listening. Appeases and clams the mind.

If you desire to practice these techniques with me, I suggest you use my TO EACH YOUR OWN MEDITATION online cours. and to thank you for following me, use thee following code for a 10% DISCOUNT: VIP5MED 

OM, I want it!

My suggested learning order:

Contemplative meditation | Mantra meditation | Reflexive meditation | Silence meditation |Active meditation          

#howtomeditate / #commentméditer


Contemplative Meditation

When we think meditation, we often see this silent practice that often can be perceived as a strict discipline. But there are many ways to meditate and this is what i present you on the #5waystomeditate series.

Let us start with the one I consider the easiest one, the contemplative meditation.

Technique : We concentrate on an object such as an image, la nature, a candle, a mandala, etc. Slowly with time, we become one with this meditative object.  

Benefits: Allows to unify yourself to the object of meditation so you can practice UNION.

If you desire to practice these techniques with me, I suggest you use my TO EACH YOUR OWN MEDITATION online cours. and to thank you for following me, use thee following code for a 10% DISCOUNT: VIP5MED 

OM, I want it!

My suggested learning order:

Contemplative meditation | Mantra meditation | Reflexive meditation | Silence meditation |Active meditation          

#howtomeditate / #commentméditer



Power of emotional courage

Lately I have been asking myself the question: is happiness the new “Stress” factor?
(Français plus bas)

There is a pressure of having to be happy lately. And I have put this pressure on myself in the last month, even though I know and teach these facts:

An emotion is an emotion. What I always say in class is “feel that challenging emotion. Welcome it. Live it so it can expulse itself faster from your body and mind, instead of being stucked somewhere. Then, restart slowly to smile and breathe, knowing that you have contributed to the release of this emotion.” Continuer la lecture de « Power of emotional courage »